Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tom Cruise And Church Of Scientology Sued

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise just can’t stay away from controversy. Just when you think that whole couch-jumping scene was behind you, he runs in and reminds you that he’s up in the mix and in the news. Peter Letterese, a former Scientologist, has sued the Church and Tom Cruise for harassment and damages amounting to $250 million.

In the lawsuit against the Church of Scientology, Tom Cruise is named as the right-hand man of David Miscavage, the head of the Church. In 1973, Letterese joined the Church of Scientology, even holding several positions of power. But in the 1990’s, he accused the Church of copyright infringement after they used a study Letterese claimed exclusive rights to. These accusations led to his excommunication from the Church.

Now Letterese is suing for harassment and accusing the Church of being a “crime syndicate”. He hopes to have racketeering charges brought and a RICO investigation started. Tom Cruise, as well as Miscavage, are accused of committing crimes while lobbying for the Church and soliciting donations. The Church’s attorneys have reacted by calling the lawsuit, which was filed July 15 in the Southern District Court of Florida, frivolous; they also accuse Letterese of using Cruise’s name just to get attention.


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