Friday, September 5, 2008

“Hannah Montana”Miley Cyrus is Really Dead?

“Hannah Montana”Miley Cyrus is Really Dead?
"Teen star of the hit Disney television series “Hannah Montana” Miley Cyrus appears to have died in a tragic car accident in the early hours of Friday morning. The young starlet was on her way to the filming of the upcoming “Hannah Montanna” Series when her vehicle was reportedly hit by a large truck. Witnesses estimate that the colliding vehicle was travelling at “At least 55mph” and had “Run a stop sign.” Although rushed in a critical condition to Pacific Alliance Medical Centre, the news broke quickly amongst reporters that the teen had succumbed to her injuries during surgery."

I don’t know who started this internet rumor, but it’s not true. Miley Cyrus is not dead. This image has been floating around the internet. If you go to yahoo news and type in miley cyrus, you can see nothing about it comes up.Moreover if you go to reuters and type the search in, nothing comes back. Just some prank started by some punk. oh and please stop digging this hoax. The Hannah Montana star is alive and well.


Anonymous,  September 5, 2008 at 10:59 PM  

NOT true. She IS dead, it's everywhere.

Anonymous,  September 5, 2008 at 11:37 PM  

So fucking sick that you would spread lies like this. Don't you dare think you are doing a public service by denying her death.

Anonymous,  September 5, 2008 at 11:56 PM  

Yeah, Yahoo took down the news article from whence that screen cap came due to the quickly written and poor article. As someone who works in PR, I can tell you that horrible writing mistakes can happen when news breaks like this and you want to be the first to get it out. I imagine the article will reemerge within the hour though, as so many other sources are picking up on it as well. I find it incredibly sad that someone so young was taken from this earth now of all times…

RIP Miley

Anonymous,  September 6, 2008 at 9:50 PM  

ok this is my opinion so no one get on my butt bout it but im happy miley is dead cuz i always hated her but it is a tragic so i cant even belive im writin this cuz i dont care but im just gonna say this cuz uhmm iguess it polite or whatever
RIP slutty miley cyrus
YUP YUP thats it and remember thats my opinion so dont get all but hurt
ByE :)

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