Kim Kardashian & Reggie Bush Host White Party
A group of 13 year olds nearly took out the voluptuous assets of Kim Kardashian.“Socialite Kim Kardashian was leaving the 5 star Garden City Hotel on Long Island to head to her appearance at Whitehouse nightclub in the Hamptons was in the lobby of the hotel and was spotted by a hundreds of 13 year olds from a Bar Mitzvah party that just ended. The young fans started to chase after her and boyfriend Reggie Bush. NYC Nightclub owner John Englebert aka JE of Suzie Wong saki lounge and Prime nightclub saw the stampede and reacted quickly by escorting her through a side door.”
I know you were fighting back the tears at the thought of Kim laying there at mercy of delusional tweens taking down the madam of media whores. Who would be there to prattle on about being so in love with the color white? Or entertain us with her “drama” of getting her sister some man love?“White is actually one of my favorite colors. I have a white car. I love white. When the opportunity came up to be in the Hamptons – I’d never been in the Hamptons before – and to host a white party at the White House, it just seemed right.”
It is a good thing you are pretty sister. If the 13 year olds wanted to take her down, why didn’t they just challenge her to a game of Scrabble? Her head would have imploded at the daunting task.
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