Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bristol Palin is Sarah Palin’s Daughter

Bristol Palin
Rumors are flying that Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin’s teen-age daughter, is the real mother of 5-month old Trig Palin. Did Sarah Palin invent an elaborate cover-up to keep her daughter’s pregnancy out of the public eye?So, is Trig really Sarah Palin’s baby, or is he her grandson? People are asking that question and are pushing for an answer. Most of the questions center around the fact that Sarah Palin didn’t announce her pregnancy until a few weeks before she gave birth. Photos of her teen-age daughter, Bristol (above right), late in 2007 show Bristol with a rounded tummy. The story is further complicated in that Bristol was taken out of school this past year for up to five months because of a bad case of mono.

What do you think? I doubt that someone as politically savvy as Sarah Palin would be so naive as to believe she could keep such a monumental cover-up secret while running as VP of the USA. And why would she attempt the cover-up to begin with? Teenage pregnancies are a rather common fact of life in modern society. The “shame and disgrace” that people felt years ago are mostly nonexistent these days. I hope the Palin’s will provide proof that Trig is their own quickly in order to counter these rumors. And, if the rumors are true, then handle them immediately in order to end all the speculating.


Sahm629 August 31, 2008 at 10:54 PM  

Hi -

Actually the baby bump photo is from 2006. Read this article and on page 2 you will see that the Anchorage Daily News (there's a link to it) says the photo is from 2006. (It's a gallery.)

Also, if you go to forums/msg boards, you will see Alaskan residents saying they know its not true because Bristol doesn't go to school in Anchorage, the photo is old/wrong, etc. etc.

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