Monday, September 1, 2008

Sally Quinn Advised Palin to “Stay in the Nursery”

Sally Quinn
Allow me to turn to a national voice on these matters, Sally Quinn, at the Newsweek/Washington Post site, "On Faith."From what little we know about her, [Palin] seems to be a bright, attractive, impressive person. She certainly has been successful in her 44 years. But is she ready to be president?

And now we learn the 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, is pregnant. She and the father of the child plan to marry. This may be a hard one for the Republican conservative family-values crowd to swallow. Of course, this can happen in any family. But it must certainly raise the question among the evangelical base about whether Sarah Palin has been enough of a hands-on mother.But in fact, that awful "evangelical base" is not the least bit offended. Why should they be? Bristol Palin is having her baby, and a marriage with the biological father is in the works. That's a success story. It is only Ms. Quinn who sees something wrong.


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