Friday, September 26, 2008

Who Won The Debate :McCain, Obama Both Claim Victory

Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama
The presidential campaigns of Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama rattled off duelling press statements, each declaring victory just minutes after their debate ended today."This was a clear victory for Barack Obama on John McCain's home turf,'' read a statement from the Obama campaign, referring to the night's main topic, US foreign policy.

Not so, said the McCain campaign."John McCain won this debate and controlled the dialogue throughout, whether it was the economy, taxes, spending, Iraq or Iran,'' read a statement from communications director Jill Hazelbaker.For the Obama campaign, Seantor McCain "offered nothing but more of the same failed Bush policies, and Barack Obama made a forceful case for change in our economy and our foreign policy,'' the statement read. And while Senator McCain "wants to keep giving huge tax cuts to corporations and said nothing about the challenges Americans are facing in their daily lives, Barack Obama will be a fierce advocate for tax cuts for the middle class, affordable health care, and a new energy economy that creates millions of jobs.''

Ms Hazelbaker emphasised Senator McCain's leadership abilities, and what she said was Senator Obama's lack of them."There was a leadership gap, a judgement gap, and a boldness gap on display tonight, a fact Barack Obama acknowledged when he said John McCain was right at least five times,'' said Ms Hazelbaker. "Tonight's debate showed John McCain in command of the issues and presenting a clear agenda for America's future.''

Not at all, countered the Obama campaign.Senator Obama "commanded'' the foreign policy part of the debate "with a clear call to responsibly end a misguided war in Iraq so that we can finish the fight against Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan,'' read the statement.Senator McCain, who has slipped in the polls in the past days, "needed a game-changer tonight, and by any measure he didn't get it,'' said Obama-Biden campaign manager David Plouffe.


Anonymous,  September 27, 2008 at 3:11 AM  

"Obama won a moral victory in the debate" - a statement known Republicans. After reviewing all the arguments i agree!
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