Lindsay Lohan On Ellen DeGeneres Show (Video)
Here is the Lindsay Lohan Ellen DeGeneres video. See the video here along with photos and find out more about the the revealing interview the actress and singer gave to the talk show host regarding her breakup with Samantha Ronson and other details of her much publicized and speculated upon personal life.
Lindsay Lohan is in the spotlight in the aftermath of the breakup with girlfriend, DJ Samantha Ronson. Paparazzi swarm around her and tabloids speculate about her mental state. She made an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show to set the record straight.She said that the breakup “had come out of nowhere” but insisted that she and Samatha Ronson are still friends.
She denied cheating, saying she did not believe in cheating. She said she had seen her father cheat on her mother “my entire life.”Her father, Michael Lohan has since issued a statement of denial of the claim made by Lindsay Lohan on Ellen DeGeneres Show. “It disturbs me that she still continues to take the focus off of herself and accuse me of cheating on her mother when I only did so when Dina and I were separated.”
An empathetic Ellen DeGeneres alluded to her own very public breakup with Anne Heche in 2000, although she did not name her by name. She said, “I lost my career for a little while and I went away … and I literally hibernated and got myself back together.”She asked Lindsay Lohan if she felt like she wanted to run away.
Lindsay Lohan expressed a desire to move on and resume her career. Additionally, she discussed the Lindsay Lohan US Magazine cover story and it “I’m So Alone” headline and tabloid coverage of her in general. She called it “distracting” and that she is “ready to work” and said “I learned from my mistakes.”Happier circumstances found Lindsay on Ellen DeGeneres show in 2004. This time, as the interview was condluding, Ellen DeGeneres told her, “You’re so talented,” prompted a round of applause from the audience.
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