Tuesday, September 30, 2008

House (Season 5) Episode 3: “Adverse Effects”

House (Season 5)Episode
A fairly ho hum episode of House, with far too many red herrings and not enough real medicine.Brandon is, at best, a mildly successful artist. At the beginning of the episode, he is painting a portrait of a woman, but when the woman and her husband take a look at the finished product, they are shocked because the subject in the painting is horribly distorted. Even stranger is the fact that Brandon cannot tell that anything is wrong; the portrait looks completely normal to him.

Brandon is admitted to the hospital for evaluation of his acute onset visual agnosia. The initial differential diagnosis include stroke, brain tumor, drugs, or environmental toxins. An initial MRI was negative, but House wants an MRI with contrast. He also sends Taub and Kutner to search Brandon’s apartment for toxins. The search turns up nothing suspicious and the MRI is negative.

Toxins and drugs remain on the differential diagnosis, but a cavernous angioma of the brain (large, abnormally dilated blood vessels in the brain) has been added as well. When Brandon shows little emotion when told he requires a risky surgical biopsy, House deduces that he is hiding something. It turns out that he has had to make ends meet by enrolling in clinical trials of new drugs. He is currently a participant in three separate drug trials. House assures him that his symptoms were due to the experimental drugs, and since they should be out of his system by now, he’ll be discharged in the morning.


Anonymous,  October 1, 2008 at 1:17 AM  

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All season and all series of excellent quality. Two weeks fast downloads for all, even who not primium user
I am very pleased! Highly recommended!

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