Barack Obama Swimsuit Pics
Here is the delicious President Barack Obama governing the nation half-nude on the cover of Washingtonian Magazine. See photos of Barack Obama pecs in a presidential beefcake swimsuit issue that shall forever change our view of the hunky president.Nobody really cares if Barack Obama can run a country. We just want to see him run. Run anywhere topless in an adorable swimsuit that Michelle must have picked out. Just don’t take that swimsuit off because we have it on good authority that our president is in possession of a small winky tinky. Obviously his mother got the best of his gene pool.
So as long as Barack Obama nude never happens in print, we are all satisfied as a nation by imagining what only exists by half, and yet knowing that Michelle Obama’s fashionable scowl is there for a reason. Give her a wink next time you see her after finding the time to admire the Michelle Obama topless sculpture.According to the Washingtonian magazine cover, Obama is hot. “Our new neighbor is hot” screams the subtitle, and who in their right mind can argue with the obvious. Our president is a hottie who at least has man-sized pecs.
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